
Philips Zoom! Enhances Whiter Smiles

We would like you to have a bright, confident smile. Professional, in-office teeth whitening with Philips Zoom is safe, simple, and one of the fastest ways to improve your smile. Plus, Philips Zoom is promoted by dentists and patients as a pain-free, easy process.

Zoom WhiteSpeed Light-Activated Whitening System

The Zoom Chairside Light-Activated Gel accelerates and enhances the whitening process, and delivers the breathtaking results you will love. Along with the brand new whitening LED Accelerator, your teeth can become up to eight shades whiter in only 45 minutes!

The gel and light work together to gently remove the stains on your teeth, while leaving the structure of your teeth alone. After just three 15-minute applications in one hour, you rinse and the treatment is complete, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Is Philips Zoom right for you?

Almost everyone can benefit from teeth whitening, though for some the treatment may not be as effective. Zoom achieves the greatest success in treating yellow staining from aging, dark colas, tea, tobacco, coffee, or red wine. If your teeth have traces of gray from tetracycline or other chemicals, you may still see some improvement in the results, although it is possible that they will be less dramatic. Your dentist will be able to asses you ideal level of treatment for your personal smile during your shade assessment.

With a beautiful, sparkling smile you may just have a whole new outlook on life. Contact us today to schedule your Philips Zoom whitening.

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