Does My Toothbrush Have Germs?

February 1, 2023

Cold and flu season can be rough. So many icky things are going around. If you’ve been sick, you might wonder, “Does my toothbrush have germs? And can it make me sick?” Here’s what you need to know about keeping your toothbrush clean to help you stay healthy!

Germs and Your Toothbrush

Since a toothbrush is used to clean teeth, many people don’t think about how to keep a toothbrush clean. The truth is that toothbrushes can harbor unpleasant things like germs, bacteria, and mold and require proper care.

Not only can a toothbrush collect germs on it when you’re sick, but it can also get germs from being stored in an environment prone to bumping into other toothbrushes or falling onto unclean surfaces like the counter or floor.

If you’re wondering, “Does my toothbrush have germs?” the answer is probably “yes,” but by taking the proper steps, you can keep your toothbrush clean!

How to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

The first thing to consider is how you store your toothbrush. If your toothbrush isn’t allowed to dry completely between uses, it might harbor germs and become a breeding ground for mold.

It is ideal to keep your toothbrush stored in a well-ventilated area, bristles up, so it can dry out between uses. It should also be stored separately from other toothbrushes, as shared toothbrush storage is an easy way for sickness to pass between members of your household quickly!

Using a toothbrush sanitizer can also be helpful to fight germs, bacteria, and mold to keep your toothbrush healthy – and keep you healthy, too!

When it’s Time for a New Toothbrush

If you’re wondering, “Does my toothbrush have germs already?” then it’s probably time for a new toothbrush! As a rule of thumb, we typically recommend replacing your toothbrush every 3 months or as soon as it shows signs of wear, like frayed or faded bristles. This will help to ensure maximum effectiveness when you brush your teeth. It’s also a good idea to replace it if you’ve been sick recently.

Call our , to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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