7 Common Questions from Dental Patients

December 2, 2019

As we serve our patients and discuss their concerns and needs, we often hear these questions. Sometimes the most basic information is the most important to informing your health. Read on to learn the answers to 7 common questions from dental patients.

1. Why Is Going to the Dentist Regularly So Important?

Having a regular cleaning of your teeth can help prevent cavities and give you strategies to maintain good oral hygiene between visits. It also gives you an opportunity to discuss concerns or issues with your dentist, and gives your dentist an opportunity to address them regularly. Preventative care often catches problems early, so you can address them when they are small.

Over time it may even save you money, allowing you to address dental needs before they become expensive and time consuming.

2. Why Should I Floss? Isn’t Brushing Enough?

Brushing teeth doesn’t remove all of the plaque alone. Flossing removes plaque in hard to reach tight spaces where cavities may be prone to form. Flossing is an important part of a thorough dental hygiene, and can prevent damage to your teeth and gums by removing harmful bacteria and plaque.

3. How Can I Relieve Sensitivity?

Sensitivity can be the result of many different things, so there are many approaches to relieving sensitivity in teeth. Of all the questions from dental patients, this will have a variety of answers depending on your lifestyle and needs. Some causes of sensitivity simply be your teeth need a gentle touch. Using a soft bristled toothbrush can assist in gentle removal of plaque, your dentist can also recommend products that will assist in caring for sensitive teeth.

Highly acidic foods can also wear away at tooth enamel, causing sensitivity to increase. Avoiding these foods can help. Using a fluoridated mouthwash and toothpaste can also help sensitive teeth. One cause of sensitive teeth can be teeth grinding. Talk to your dentist about whether using a mouth guard may help decrease sensitivity for you.

4. How Can I Avoid Cavities?

This is likely one of the most often asked questions from dental patients.
Because cavities form when bacteria on the teeth erode at the tooth enamel, foods that are likely to cause cavities, like acidic foods, and sugary foods can create the perfect environment for cavities, especially if oral hygiene is not diligent.

Encouraging a healthy oral environment where plaque is banished daily may help to prevent cavities before they start. Eating healthy food, brushing teeth several times a day, flossing, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding foods that may increase unhealthy bacteria in your mouth will all do their part in helping you create a mouth that is hostile to cavities.

5. What is Fluoride and Why is it Important?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that can be found in some food and many water supplies. It can strengthen tooth enamel, and reduce the acid produced by the bacteria in your mouth. Appropriate fluoride use can reduce tooth decay by 40%-60%. Using Fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash are both good ways to create a healthy environment for your teeth.

6. Why Does the Dentist Take X Rays?

One of the most frequent questions from dental patients that we hear have to do with dental X rays.
X rays are often capable of giving your dentist a more complete picture of what is going on in your mouth. They can help determine the presence and placement of cavities, diagnose periodontal disease, and determine the state of your teeth. There are many ways that a dentist can use x rays to identify something they won’t find with a simple examination of your mouth.

7. Do Whitening Toothpastes Work?

Whitening toothpastes can address surface stains, but do not affect the color of your teeth or reach deeper tooth stains. Also, because they may contain minor abrasives, when used continually, they may wear at tooth enamel. While they may yield some minor results, for whitening that is more thorough, you can stop by our Beaumont, Bridge City, Galveston, La Marque or Port Arthur Dental Office and discuss your options with our dental staff, to find a solution that meets your needs.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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