
Combatting Gum Disease Together

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is an infection that affects the gums surrounding your teeth. It is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults, and its painless nature often leads to patients being unaware of its presence. As part of your routine checkup, your dentist will assess the space between your teeth and gums to detect any signs of periodontal disease.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease occurs when plaque, a sticky bacteria that forms on teeth, accumulates and is not properly removed through flossing, brushing, and regular dental checkups. This buildup of plaque can lead to the production of harmful toxins that can harm the gums. Periodontal disease specifically develops below the gum line, causing the formation of small pockets that separate the gums from the teeth. This disease has two stages: gingivitis and periodontitis.

  • Gingivitis — This is the early stage of gum disease, when the gums become red and swollen, and bleed easily. At this stage, the disease is treatable and can usually be eliminated by daily brushing and flossing.
  • If gingivitis is not treated, it can progress into periodontitis, which leads to severe and irreversible damage to the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. Periodontitis can result in loose teeth, tooth loss, or extraction by a dentist.

Certain factors can increase a patient’s risk of developing periodontal disease, including:
  • Smoking or using chewing tobacco
  • Diabetes
  • Certain types of medication such as steroids, anti-epilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, calcium channel blockers, and oral contraceptives
  • Bridges that no longer fit properly
  • Crooked teeth
  • Old fillings
  • Pregnancy
While it is possible to have periodontal disease and not know it, some symptoms can include:
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Red, swollen, tender gums
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Pus between your teeth and gums
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Any change in the fit of partial dentures

Treating Gum Disease

The treatments for gum disease may differ based on the severity of each case. Common treatments include:

  • Non-surgical treatments such as at-home periodontal trays, and scaling and root planing (deep cleaning)
  • Periodontal surgery and laser gum surgery
  • Dental implants

Preventing Gum Disease

It is crucial to have regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations to ensure both your overall health and the health of your smile. You can prevent tooth loss due to periodontal disease by maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home. Remember to brush your teeth regularly, floss between them, maintain a balanced diet, and schedule routine dental visits to promote a healthy smile.

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