
Philips Zoom! Enhances Whiter Smiles

We want to help you achieve a radiant, self-assured smile. Philips Zoom offers a safe, hassle-free, and speedy solution for teeth whitening. Recommended by both dentists and patients, this painless and straightforward in-office treatment is one of the quickest ways to enhance your smile.

Zoom WhiteSpeed Light-Activated Whitening System

Introducing the Zoom Chairside Light-Activated Gel, a revolutionary solution that boosts and improves the teeth whitening process, providing you with stunning results. With the addition of the latest whitening LED Accelerator, your teeth can achieve a remarkable eight shades whiter in just 45 minutes!

The gel and light collaborate harmoniously to effectively eliminate teeth stains, without compromising the integrity of your teeth. In just three simple 15-minute applications within an hour, you can rinse off and complete the treatment, leaving you with a radiant and dazzling smile.

Is Philips Zoom right for you?

Teeth whitening can benefit almost everyone, although its effectiveness may vary. Zoom is particularly successful in treating yellow staining caused by aging, dark beverages like colas, tea, tobacco, coffee, or red wine. If your teeth have gray traces from tetracycline or other chemicals, you may still see some improvement, although the results may not be as dramatic. Your dentist will assess the ideal level of treatment for your smile during your shade assessment.

Achieving a beautiful, sparkling smile can bring a whole new perspective to your life. Schedule your Philips Zoom whitening by contacting us today.

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