
Philips Zoom! Whitens Smiles

We are dedicated to assisting you in attaining a confident and dazzling smile. Discover the advantages of using Philips Zoom for professional teeth whitening - a secure, convenient, and remarkably fast approach to enhance your smile. Not only is Philips Zoom recommended by dentists, but patients also rave about its painless and effortless procedure.

Zoom WhiteSpeed Whitening System

Introducing the Zoom Chairside Light-Activated Gel and the latest whitening LED Accelerator, a dynamic duo that can revolutionize your teeth whitening experience. Witness remarkable results as this powerful combination accelerates and enhances the whitening process. In a mere 45 minutes, your teeth can become up to eight shades whiter!

This treatment harnesses the synergy of the gel and light, effectively eradicating stains from your teeth while preserving their structure. With three simple 15-minute applications within an hour, you can effortlessly complete the treatment and revel in a radiant, whiter smile.

Is Philips Zoom right for you?

Teeth whitening can be beneficial for almost everyone, although its effectiveness may vary for individuals. Zoom is particularly successful in treating yellow staining caused by aging, dark colas, tea, tobacco, coffee, or red wine. Even if your teeth have traces of gray from tetracycline or other chemicals, you may still see some improvement in the results, although the changes may not be as dramatic. Your dentist will assess the ideal level of treatment for your personal smile during your shade assessment.

Having a beautiful, sparkling smile can completely change your outlook on life. Schedule your Philips Zoom whitening today by contacting us.